I came across a brilliant idea the other day, the kind of idea I wish I'd thought of. Here at Through the Viewfinder is a group dedicated to promoting an interesting way to take a photograph. The idea is to shoot the photo with one camera, through the viewfinder of another. Classic cameras such as the Kodak Duaflex from the 1950's are perfect for this because of the large, top-side viewfinder. Shooting "TTV" gives the image a dirty, "old" feel as though you are using a classic camera. The viewfinder adds interesting artifacts to the image like dust and glass warp.

This type of shot also gives the image a surreal quality, as if you aren't sure that the image in the viewfinder is real. The camera's "eye" is both facing down and forward at the same time. For me it is almost disorienting. I'm looking forward to experimenting with this some more. And if you don't have a classic camera like this lying around, you can usually find them at garage sales for a few dollars. The type of film they use has long been obsolete. Happy Experimenting!