Chicago: The Way I See It
I've been told that my photographs have a gloomy, dark quality to them. I am surprised to hear this, because I'm not a gloomy person, and I generally have an optimistic view of the world. Although, my optimism apparently employs a gray mask.

Maybe this is just how I see the world. Chicago CAN be a gloomy place during the winter months. I never really saw it that way though. I see it as a part of the cycle, without which Chicago would be boring.
Chicago Bears fever is rampant in this town. Even the Picasso sculpture is getting into it:

Winter in Chicago has an extremely tactile "feel" to it. Cold, blustery, and crisp. Sometimes I feel like Chicago is in an arctic bubble that decends upon northeast Illinois after Thanksgiving.

They say that if it weren't for Chicago's winters, the metropolitan population would be much higher. I find this amusing because it is the Chicago winter that KEEPS me here. It may be 15 degrees, snowing, windy, and cloudy, but for me it is just one half of the cycle that is CHICAGO.